Single Survival During The Corona- Part Two

Virtual Dating Red Flags

It’s fascinating how members of singledom can adapt quickly and roll with the punches.  We aren’t going to let Self-Isolation prevent us from finding love and companionship!  However, as singles broach virtual dating it is important that you are aware of red flags in the virtual world.  Just because you’re dating virtually doesn’t mean you are dating blindly!  Here’s a fact, it is possible to find a meaningful lasting relationship during this time.  But you still have  to keep you game tight and right!  Here are some Virtual Dating Red Flags you should be aware of….

Beware of too much too soon!

Just as you would take your time in a pre-Corona dating world. You must do the same with virtual dating.  Really get to know someone.  It is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of speaking to someone on the regular basis because we are in unprecedented times and that can draw you closer very quickly.  It can give you a false sense of intimacy and some people prey on that.

Some folks have actually said “I love you” to people they have literally just met since quarantine.  Remember folks it’s only been 5 weeks!

Just because you’re dating virtually doesn’t mean you are dating blindly!

Just because you’re dating virtually doesn’t mean you are dating blindly!

Beware of Virtual Enigmas!

What is a virtual enigma?

If you have had great initial text message exchanges, then you have graduated to phone calls. There comes a point when you want to virtual meet someone face to face and have a virtual date.  Be cautious if you are spending a lot of time speaking on the phone with someone or just texting and they do not want to FaceTime with you.  This would be acceptable in the pre-Corona dating world.  But during self-isolation no FaceTime should make you hit the pause button.

There is a reason why someone cannot and will not FaceTime with you (i.e. wife/husband at home)! That means they are hiding something.  If you are constantly talking on the phone without a real FaceTime/ Virtual Date in place keep it moving.  It could also be a catfish situation.

Be cautious if you are spending a lot of time speaking on the phone with someone or just texting and they do not want to FaceTime with you.

Be cautious if you are spending a lot of time speaking on the phone with someone or just texting and they do not want to FaceTime with you.

Beware of Virtual Hookups

Please don’t be a quarantine HO!!!  Remember these are unprecedented times. For all you know this person could be having multiple virtual hookups with different people.

ALSO, you do not want pictures of you out in the cyber universe because you were too trusting of someone during Corona.  So don’t send out any compromising pictures or do something that could be screenshot and used against you later.  Don’t send compromising pictures of yourself out to strangers!!!!

Going to someone's house or allowing them to come to your house during this time is the equivalent to having sex without a condom. Don't be stupid!

Going to someone’s house or allowing them to come to your house during this time is the equivalent to having sex without a condom. Don’t be stupid!

Beware of False Dating App Profiles

There has been a spike in dating app usage.  I’m not really a dating app advocate.  However, during this time apps are really one of the few ways single can meet  people.  And while this is a great opportunity for singles to meet someone on these apps.  It is also a time where more people are creating profiles (CATFISH).  Some of their pics can be from 10 years ago, they are lying about their age, occupation, marital status,etc.  It is imperative that you proceed with caution when meeting someone through these various apps.  Especially now since more and more people are using these various apps.

people are creating profiles (CATFISH). Some of their pics can be from 10 years ago, they are lying about their age, occupation, marital status,etc.

people are creating profiles (CATFISH). Some of their pics can be from 10 years ago, they are lying about their age, occupation, marital status,etc.

Beware of Post-Corona Empty Promises

Let’s keep it real… Men are able to virtually date you without spending a fucking DIME during this time!!!!  It is easy to fantasize about what life would be like post-corona through all these “promises.”  It is also easy for people to create false expectations of what life would be like after this is all over.

Do not let those promises and fantasies be the basis of your relationship. Stay in the moment!  Be present.

It is easy to fantasize about what life would be like post-corona through all these “promises.”

It is easy to fantasize about what life would be like post-corona through all these “promises.”

Beware of Giving Out Your Personal Information

On the flip side. Do not under any circumstances give out your info.  Someone might want to send you a “present” in the mail or online.  Or they may want to send you flowers.  You can get it once quarantine is over in a public social distanced location.

Beware of Corona Creepers

Now is not the time for instant gratification.  Do not go to anyone’s house or allow someone to come to your house. You must protect yourself.  And that means stay in self isolation!  I don’t care what kind of connection you think you have with someone.  This is a matter of life or death.

Don’t let anyone try to creep into your home. And do not go to anyone else’s home.

Let me break it down further.  Going to someone’s house or allowing them to come to your house during this time is the equivalent to having sex without a condom.  Don’t be stupid!

Going to someone's house or allowing them to come to your house during this time is the equivalent to having sex without a condom. Don't be stupid!

Going to someone’s house or allowing them to come to your house during this time is the equivalent to having sex without a condom. Don’t be stupid!

Beware of the Social Distance Date Suggestion

Now is not the time when you can meet someone in person. PERIOD!!!  Not even during the day.  Do not fall for a suggestion of a social distanced date.

Stick to virtual dates. No in person!!!!   It will be tempting.  NO date is worth spreading a deadly virus!

In Conclusion…

This time is the opportunity to meet someone and really get to know them.  You will having something to look forward to in the long run.  But you still gotta be smart.  If you play your cards right you might be able to one day tell the story of how you met the love of your life during a pandemic.  Now that’s what great love stories are made of!

Black couple kissing